Fix HP Printer not Responding in 3 Easy Steps

HP is one of the best printer brands of all time but, Sometimes, users come to a situation when they can’t print anything. HP Printer not Responding problem appears due to outdated printer drivers and when you don’t use your printer for a long time.
There are some other reasons why HP printer does not respond to the print command. On the basis of its causes some fruitful solutions when printer not responding. If you are a non-tech person and unable to detect why your printer doesn’t respond then Contact HP Support team. They are well-educated and immensely experienced in dealing with such types of technical issues.
Why is my HP Printer not Responding?
- Outdated or corrupted printer driver.
- The printer is paused.
- Paper jam or insufficient paper.
- The printer is not connected properly.
- The printer’s cartridge is not moving.
Follow the given instructions in an appropriate way to get the printer not responding problem annihilated in just a second. Keep your eyes feast on the below-mentioned steps and perform in the same order:
More Solutions: How to Fix HP Printer Printing Slow Problem?
Solution for HP Printer does not Respond Error
Solution 1: Check Your Antivirus and Firewall
At some point, the Printer not responding message appears due to your antivirus or firewall program. This usually occurs if you’re using a Wi-Fi or network printer. If there is a problem with the antivirus due to which your printer won’t print, then it is recommended you disable it temporarily and check if that helps.
If that doesn’t help, then you are required to uninstall your third-party antivirus software. Once you do that, check if the problem is still there. If eliminating the antivirus solves the issue, you can frequently print the document with no hassle.
Solution 2: Check Your Printer Connections
To fix the HP printer not responding error, check your network connection. Therefore, check firstly your printer’s connections with your desktop or laptop to see if they’re all correctly plugged in. If the printer connects via a USB port, try using an alternate USB port for connection. For Wi-Fi printers, you’ll need to check that the printer is connected to the appropriate Wi-Fi network. For example, it could be that the printer isn’t detecting the correct network name.
Solution 3: Ensure that your Printer is Properly Configured
The printer may not respond sometimes when your printer is not configured properly. So, configure your printer properly first by following the given instructions and checking the issue it gets fixed.
- Open Control Panel first on your Window, then go to the Devices and Printers section
- Locate your printer from the list and give right-click on it
- Now, choose Printer Properties
- Go to the Ports tab and make sure that the proper Port is selected
- After ensuring this, click on Apply and then OK button
After making these small adjustments, print with your printer to check whether it is responding or not.
Talk to HP Support for One-Stop Solution
If you are not satisfied with the above-written steps in exterminating your HP Printer not Respond to the problem. Put a call on the helpline number and Talk to HP Support team. They are trustworthy and knowledgeable so these kinds of technical hiccups will be terminated from the root in a pinch.